Minor Prophets (Adults)

Amos Chapter 6

Lesson written by Brandon Vetter

Amos 6

1.  Where does Israel find its security? 


2.  What had happened to the great cities listed in verse 2?  How should this have made Israel feel?



3.  What types of luxuries do the people indulge themselves in?  Is America really any different than Israel as shown in verses 4-6?

4.  How might God’s people today be like Israel was spoken of in the end of verse 6?

5.  Israel wanted to be foremost and to have the first/best of everything.  In turn, what is God going to do for them in verse 7?

6.  What does God hate about Israel? 

7.  Why would the man in verse 10 say, “Keep quiet. For the name of the Lord is not to be mentioned?”

8.  What point is Amos trying to get across in verse 12?

9.  What does “Lodebar” mean?  “Karnaim?”  What is Amos trying to get Israel to realize in verse 13?

10.  Where were Hamath and the brook of the Arabah located?  Why is this significant?